Why is the world in such a miserable state?
Why is the gap between rich and poor constantly increasing?
Why is there hunger, wars and natural disasters?
The answer to these question reside in the fact, that the banking corporations have created a system in which people borrow and lend money. THE INTEREST RATES and THE COMPOUND INTEREST RATES make the rich richer, and make the poor even poorer. Resources are always going from the people who have borrowed money to the people who have lent the money. This allows the rich to accumulated even more wealth and it makes the poor pay more than they borrowed. The growth of interest rates is exponential, just like cancer.
Here is where the ancient wisdom of the natives of the whole American continent comes to light. It is completely unethical to lend money with interest rates. This creates unbalance in the world, and it is the reason why humanity is destroying its habitat very fast. In order to pay a debt, the borrower has to work harder and more efficiently in order to produce more and be able to pay the loan back. This is the root of progress that depletes resources very quickly.
The 21st of June in Latinamerica is the start of a new agricultural year. The "Inti Raymi" is better known as the Aymara new years eve, and Ayamara and Quechua inhabitants of the Andes, travel far to receive the first rays of the sun in the ancient temples of Tiwanaku (Bolivia), Macchu Picchu (Peru), The "Inti Watana" by lake Titikaka (Bolivia) or the temple of the Goddesses on the Moon Island (Bolivia). A series of rituals for the Earth are performed by wise elders and shamans on this date. The elders can read by the way the sun rises, how the new agricultural year is going to be and if harvests will be good.
This is the DAY outside time, the natural calender of natures people of our Earth. 364 days making a total of 13 lunar months and one day outside time where all debt was automatically erased, preventing in this way the unnecessary accumulation of wealth that makes our world suffer so much today. It was the new and fresh start and nobody became poorer or richer, our ancestors simply got ready for a new cycle of work on the fields to get food from our Pachamama. By understanding nature, they also understood the natural cycles of the Earth, and that is why these cultures developed an enormous sense of COMMUNITY which has been erased by our selfish and competitive modernity. This day was also important for giving back to Mother Earth in the form of rituals and for showing our gratitutde to her.
The Pachamama Project is therefore celebrating the first INTI RAYMI in Norway on the 21st of June 2011.
We are making the statement of re-defining the future together, by introducing this ancient wisdom that we are sure will be aided by the elders and shamans of the North.
This is an invitation to everyone who cares for our children and our GAIA, to come together and become a part of this event. Today more than ever, we can see just by watching the news, that we need to change our OLD HABITS and give ourselves and future generations a NEW START.
In PEACE and LOVE for our EARTH...
Event place map
The Pachamama Project Team